Thomas Reinhart

Thomas ReinhartProfile Photo

Director of Preservation

Tom is from New Jersey. He is a graduate of the College of William and Mary in Virginia. He holds MAs from Florida State University and George Washington University. Tom is Mount Vernon's Director of Preservation, overseeing archaeological and architectural work, as well as viewshed protection.

Dec. 20, 2021

Episode 7: Preserving

Episode 7: “Preserving” Edmund Parker never knew George and Martha Washington, but he knew Mount Vernon and the Washington Family very well. Parker was one of the many enslaved people who labored on the plantation in the nin…
Nov. 15, 2021

Episode 2: Laboring

Episode 2: “Laboring” As an overseer, Davy Gray was entrusted by George Washington with the management of the enslaved laborers on Dogue Run Farm. His weekly reports to Washington revealed progress toward Washington’s goal o…