Alexandra Montgomery

Manager, Center for Digital History

Alexandra L. Montgomery is the Manager of the Center for Digital History at the Washington Presidential Library at Mount Vernon. She holds a PhD in early American history from the University of Pennsylvania. When she is not wrangling digital projects about George Washington, her work focuses on the role of the state and settler colonialism in the eighteenth century, particularly in the far northeast.

Sept. 25, 2023

A Syllabus for War

George Washington’s commitment to professionalism went hand-in-hand with his leadership as both a general and a president. He believed strongly in creating an American army that adhered to new models of professional military…
July 31, 2023

Mapping George Washington's America

In the early American Republic, nationhood represented more than just an ideal. It also required a novel approach to visualizing the space and geography of the new country. Washington wanted to literally put the United State…