Nov. 29, 2021

Episode 4: “Living” Bibliography

Episode 4: “Living” Bibliography

Primary Sources:

“George Augustine Washington to George Washington, 8–9 April 1792,” Founders Online, National Archives,

“George Washington’s Last Will and Testament, 9 July 1799,” Founders Online, National Archives,

“North American Slave Narratives.” Documenting the American South, University Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,

Papers of George Washington. Founders Online. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration.

Teaching Resources:

Lives Bound Together: Slavery at George Washington’s Mount Vernon Online. George Washington’s Mount Vernon,

Devlin, Sean. “Learn about the lives of the enslaved through Archeology.” George Washington’s Mount Vernon,

Ferraguto, Maria. “Census of the Enslaved Population at Mount Vernon, 1786 and 1799.” In The Digital Encyclopedia of George Washington, edited by James P. Ambuske. Mount Vernon Ladies' Association,

MacLeod, Jessie. “Kate.” In The Digital Encyclopedia of George Washington, edited by James P. Ambuske. Mount Vernon Ladies' Association,

MacLeod, Jessie. “What Were the Living Conditions of the Enslaved People at Mount Vernon?” George Washington’s Mount Vernon,

McKnight, Cheyney. “A Day in the Life of an Enslaved Cook.” Not Your Mamma’s History,

McKnight, Cheyney. “A Day in the Life of an Enslaved Lady's Maid.” Not Your Mamma’s History,

Pogue, Dennis. “House for Families.” In The Digital Encyclopedia of George Washington, edited by James P. Ambuske. Mount Vernon Ladies' Association,

Thompson, Mary. “Islam at Mount Vernon.” In The Digital Encyclopedia of George Washington, edited by James P. Ambuske. Mount Vernon Ladies' Association,

Thompson, Mary. “Private Lives of Slaves.” In The Digital Encyclopedia of George Washington, edited by James P. Ambuske. Mount Vernon Ladies' Association,

Thompson, Mary. “Slave Clothing.” In The Digital Encyclopedia of George Washington, edited by James P. Ambuske. Mount Vernon Ladies' Association,

Thompson, Mary. “Slave Religion.” In The Digital Encyclopedia of George Washington, edited by James P. Ambuske. Mount Vernon Ladies' Association,

Thompson, Mary. “Slavery and Family.” In The Digital Encyclopedia of George Washington, edited by James P. Ambuske. Mount Vernon Ladies' Association,

Thompson, Mary. “Slavery and Marriage.” In The Digital Encyclopedia of George Washington, edited by James P. Ambuske. Mount Vernon Ladies' Association,

Further Reading:

 Breen, Eleanor. “The revolution before the Revolution? A Material Culture Approach to Consumerism at George Washington’s Mount Vernon, VA." PhD diss., University of Tennessee, 2013,

Breen, Eleanor. “Underpinning a plantation: A material culture approach to consumerism at George Washington’s Mount Vernon,” in Material Worlds: Archaeology, Consumption, and the Road to Modernity. Barbara J. Heath, Eleanor E. Breen, Lori A. Lee, ed. London: Routledge, 2017.

Camp, Stephanie. Closer to Freedom: Enslaved Women and Everyday Resistance in the Plantation South. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2004.

Deetz, Kelley Fanto. Bound to the Fire: How Virginia’s Enslaved Cooks helped Invent American Cuisine. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 2017.

Dunbar, Erica Armstrong. Never Caught: The Washingtons' Relentless Pursuit of Their Runaway Slave Ona Judge. New York: Simon & Schuster, Inc., 2017.

Ganeshram, Ramin. The General’s Cook: A Novel. New York: Arcade Publishing, 2018.

Jones-Rogers, Stephanie E. They Were Her Property: White Women as Slave Owners in the American South. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2020.

McClafferty, Carla Killough. Buried Lives: The Enslaved People of George Washington’s Mount Vernon. New York: Holliday House, 2018.

Morgan, Philip D. Slave Counterpoint: Black Culture in the Eighteenth-Century Chesapeake and Lowcountry. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1998.

Nevius, Marcus. City of Refuge: Slavery and Petit Marronage in the Great Dismal Swamp, 1763-1856. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 2020.

Quander, Rohulamin. The Quanders: Since 1684, an Enduring African American Legacy. Meadville, PA: Christian Faith Publishing, Inc., 2021.

Ragsdale, Bruce. Washington at the Plow: the Founding Farmer and the Question of Slavery. Cambridge: The Belknap Press of Harvard University, 2021.

Schermerhorn, Calvin. The Everyday Life of Enslaved People in the Antebellum South, OAH Magazine of History, Volume 23, Issue 2 (April 2009): 31–36.

Schoelwer, Susan, ed. Lives Bound Together: Slavery at George Washington’s Mount Vernon. Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association, 2016.

Schwarz, Philip, ed. Slavery: At the Home of George Washington. Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association, 2001.

Stevenson, Brenda. What is Slavery? Cambridge: Polity, 2015.

Stevenson, Brenda. Life in Black and White: Family and Community in the Slave South. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.

Thompson, Mary. “The Only Unavoidable Subject of Regret”: George Washington, Slavery, and the Enslaved Community at Mount Vernon. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2019.

Twitty, Michael. The Cooking Gene: A Journey through African-American Culinary History in the Old South. New York: Amistad, 2017.

Walsh, Lorena S. Motives of Honor, Pleasure, and Profit: Plantation Management in The Colonial Chesapeake, 1607 – 1763. Chapel Hill: Published by the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture and the University of North Carolina Press, 2010.